Thursday, 23 September 2010

Visual Style - Stylized at all costs.

The visual style for the game is something I have been debating non stop. My character drawings so far are a mix between Disney and Anime in style but with a darker and more adult twist.

Let me just state now that this is not a Disney or chibi Anime styled game. This is merely my drawing style and I ask that until i post my drawings you dont judge this project based on these descriptive terms:]

What i will do now is just post some images from games that have a unique style and are along the lines of what im looking into.

There is a common element with all of these images that strike out at me the most, and thats the distinct style difference between the characters and the environment.
The characters tend to take on a more cartoony visage whilst the environments maintain a feel of realism (in comparison at least).
Im personally a huge fan of pre rendered backgrounds, and the water colour style backgrounds in games such as: Naruto Ultimate Ninja storm 1+2, Valkyria Chronicals and Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker act as major eye candy, whilst at the same time dont detract from the characters own style.
What I want or at least feel im going for is something similar to the above games, but not as vivid in colour.

Below is a video I came across today on Youtube. Its a music video that has a dark painted cgi style to it which i was instantly drawn to. This is very close to the style that i would love to incorporate into this project.


HOW could i forget one of my first ever played stylized games.... Jet Set Radio on the Dreamcast. This game blew me away visually and i loved the whole concept (including the run animations of the police).