Thursday, 23 September 2010


Due to this being a University project... from what i can gather, we will need to have a working demo (im guessing) by the end of May 2011.
With this in mind the game itself wont be so much taxing due to time constraints so the focus will mainly be on creating a quirky demo thats simple and fun.
SO the demographic in question will be aimed at early to mid teens: 12-16yrs old.
The reason for it ranging up to mid teens is that despite it being a simple beat em up, it will have strong violence, mildly bad language and if any, drug use (fictional drugs).

In terms of censorship rating, id like to give it a PEGI 12+ rating. However im not sure what the distinctive boundary is between 12+ and 16+.

From what I have found on the net, I can say that it leans more towards being a 12+, which is great but im not sure if the odd swear word is allowed or if that pushes it into the 16+ category
(By swear words im referring mainly to the occasional use of "shit" and "fuck").

Of the game images and videos i have posted, here are the PEGI ratings for each one that has inspired me for this project:

- The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker: PEGI 7+
- Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm: PEGI 12+
- Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (VG): PEGI 12+
- Okami: PEGI 12+
- Dynasty Warriors 6: PEGI 12+
- Prince of Persia (2008): PEGI 12+
- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: PEGI 16+
- Left4Dead: PEGI 18+

Just by looking at this list, the kind of genre im going for seems to be grouped within the 12+ boundaries, which is great. I just have to bear in mind that if i do aim for a PEGI rating of 12+ that i need to keep the content suitable for persons of 12 years old.

If it turns out the game has to be put up to a 16+ then thats fine by me, as I dont want to have to leave things out just to make the game more accessible.