Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Pre-Production introductory.

Wednesday the 30th October, The first taught lesson of our 3rd and final year. So far we have been told that we are going to be told all about planning for pre-production.
First we went through the learning outcomes on our project brief, this is a list showing what we need to demonstrate throughout the next year:

Learning outcomes:
  • - prove that you know how to make a video game - plan
  • - Identify the skills and techniques needed to create a game, industry standard (risk assessments).
  • - Comparative analysis of like minded games.
  • - Develop and tailor artwork, 3d models and environments to logical software/hardware specs.
  • - Have a grasp on limitations and possibilities when it comes to gaming platforms.
  • - Justify statements made. For example if stating your work is industry standard, make a visual comparison between your work and industry work.

Transferable skills:

  • - Organize work, set up deadlines and make those deadlines.
  • - Get crit. with the course leader.

Pre-production Document:

  • - Placeholder for assessments 'key assets' and 'final asset'.
  • - Written document (at top a link to final assest place holder).
  • - A scheduel with priorities, label with A (Essential elements), B (contributions to port.) and C (fun additions) priorities.
  • - A risk assesment.
  • - Level map, critical path etc. and a block out. Concept art.
  • - Choice of platform, reasons.
  • - Research showing industry standards and then aiming to match it.
  • - Description of critical path.
  • - Methodology for documenting the process i.e this blog.