Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Crit. with the course leader.

Today we all met up to narrow down on ideas and get some feed back from our course leader.

We discussed mostly as a group who we could make the arena's interesting and perhaps even customizable. Making the maps modular was one idea, sectioning the arena into moveable terrain so the players can set up a strategic plan.

We also looked into adding possible customiseation through chooseable moves and combo's aquired from defeating bosses or purchasing through score points.
Visual wise, we thought the most that should happen is the addition of trophies doned by the characters. Such trophies a victor jackets, pieces from the bosses, medals etc. These could then entitle the characters to exclusive moves when wearing these items.

At this point we were joined by our course leader, who help us to see our flaws and point us towards what we needed to be thinking about.

It was made clear that we were looking at an end goal without fully knowing if it was possible to reach it. Our biggest issue for creating this "demo" is knowing what we can achieve tech wise, for example the coding and getting our characters and levels in game in a working environment.

What was made clear to us is that what we say we aim to achieve in our production brief, will then be expected for us to have by the end of the assessment. If we dont have what we stated we would... then it will affect our marks.

So I proposed we do all the tech testing now, during our pre-production stage and see if we can actually get a working template to which at a later date, then update with finalized levels and models.
The time for trial and error is now, so we'll look into building mock ups and see where that gets us in the next week or so.

Here is an updated list on what needs to be done:

  • - Test UDK, what can be achieved through using this engine that would benefit us?
  • - Make this idea an IP, an obvious new idea/series.
  • - Concept 4 playable characters: Tank, Range damage, damage and Crowd Control.
  • - Concept 3 levels.