Thursday, 30 September 2010


Yesterday the group had a mass talk about how everything will tie in with each other. In the process of this we came up with numerous issues that would inconvenience the flow of the game.

Such issues as:

  • - Is it wise to make the game multiplayer only?
  • - If playable solo, how would the player be able to hold his own if its a strictly team dependant game.
  • - Take away the dedicated team element and its USP is diluted into becoming a regular hack n slash.
  • - Are we limiting ourselves by having such a huge thought out narrative concept within an simple and specific game play genre.

We had a word with Adrian, (our new lecturer) asking what he thought on our situation as we brought up our issues and apparently the idea we had wasn't as original as we thought. What we failed to partially realise was that the elements we were talking about using are still borrowed from existing genres that we have just mixed together.
The only thing making this different from any other hack and slash game is its visuals.

It was also pointed out that, with our somewhat artistically rich concept, we were in effect suffocating the creative scope by putting it in a very closed off game style.
We were basically trying to fit a story driven concept to a mindless beat-em-up game, as opposed to selecting a game style that best compliments the concepts rich world.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Pre-Production introductory.

Wednesday the 30th October, The first taught lesson of our 3rd and final year. So far we have been told that we are going to be told all about planning for pre-production.
First we went through the learning outcomes on our project brief, this is a list showing what we need to demonstrate throughout the next year:

Learning outcomes:
  • - prove that you know how to make a video game - plan
  • - Identify the skills and techniques needed to create a game, industry standard (risk assessments).
  • - Comparative analysis of like minded games.
  • - Develop and tailor artwork, 3d models and environments to logical software/hardware specs.
  • - Have a grasp on limitations and possibilities when it comes to gaming platforms.
  • - Justify statements made. For example if stating your work is industry standard, make a visual comparison between your work and industry work.

Transferable skills:

  • - Organize work, set up deadlines and make those deadlines.
  • - Get crit. with the course leader.

Pre-production Document:

  • - Placeholder for assessments 'key assets' and 'final asset'.
  • - Written document (at top a link to final assest place holder).
  • - A scheduel with priorities, label with A (Essential elements), B (contributions to port.) and C (fun additions) priorities.
  • - A risk assesment.
  • - Level map, critical path etc. and a block out. Concept art.
  • - Choice of platform, reasons.
  • - Research showing industry standards and then aiming to match it.
  • - Description of critical path.
  • - Methodology for documenting the process i.e this blog.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Crit. with the course leader.

Today we all met up to narrow down on ideas and get some feed back from our course leader.

We discussed mostly as a group who we could make the arena's interesting and perhaps even customizable. Making the maps modular was one idea, sectioning the arena into moveable terrain so the players can set up a strategic plan.

We also looked into adding possible customiseation through chooseable moves and combo's aquired from defeating bosses or purchasing through score points.
Visual wise, we thought the most that should happen is the addition of trophies doned by the characters. Such trophies a victor jackets, pieces from the bosses, medals etc. These could then entitle the characters to exclusive moves when wearing these items.

At this point we were joined by our course leader, who help us to see our flaws and point us towards what we needed to be thinking about.

It was made clear that we were looking at an end goal without fully knowing if it was possible to reach it. Our biggest issue for creating this "demo" is knowing what we can achieve tech wise, for example the coding and getting our characters and levels in game in a working environment.

What was made clear to us is that what we say we aim to achieve in our production brief, will then be expected for us to have by the end of the assessment. If we dont have what we stated we would... then it will affect our marks.

So I proposed we do all the tech testing now, during our pre-production stage and see if we can actually get a working template to which at a later date, then update with finalized levels and models.
The time for trial and error is now, so we'll look into building mock ups and see where that gets us in the next week or so.

Here is an updated list on what needs to be done:

  • - Test UDK, what can be achieved through using this engine that would benefit us?
  • - Make this idea an IP, an obvious new idea/series.
  • - Concept 4 playable characters: Tank, Range damage, damage and Crowd Control.
  • - Concept 3 levels.

Explaining and discussing the game idea with the group.

Monday, 27 September 2010

A Group is made.

In the end i decided that working in a group would be most beneficial, i pitched the idea to a select few and they were more than happy to join me in creating my idea.

I have had to ease up on my grasp on it for obvious reasons and im happy to do so, because i know that the people i have grouped up with will give it their all and bring up interesting ideas that id have never thought of.
Not only that but i feel confident that no matter how much this idea is kept the same or adapted, that by the end of this project we have the skills and talent to create an impressive final piece that showcases everyonres strengths in a joint effort.

The group consists of:

- Myself
- Dan Francis
- Lloyd Knott
- Ceri Rogers
- Hannah Andrews

First day at Uni.

Today our year had a chat with our course leader, and i was unexpectedly put on the spot to pitch my idea.
So i did, and along with it came the expected crit. Crit which has had a positive effect, as im now aware as what is expected of us for our final product.

The crit given was mainly aimed towards my lack of precised research for demographic, id looked at age range and not a specifc audience. Basically by saying 12 - 15 yr olds, thats like saying every 12 year old is into hack and slash, so i need to narow it down.

I was also asked if I had a message i wanted to convey with this game, and that having one would help boost its status as a commercial game. As such i dont have a solid message that id feel this game is about so its something i will look into.

The last useful crit. was to consider a USP, a Unique Selling Point. Of this i like to think that the USP for this game idea is adding RPG class's to a hack n slash genre. This is a fresh idea that would add a great sense of team play and variety to an otherwise fairly simple and repetitive game mechanic.

Originally i thought we needed a working prototype, but it turns out something as simple as animating a 3D model and showcasing it in an engine is just as good.
I also discussed with our course leader the differences if any between working solo and as a group. The general census is that groups tend to get the higher marks, obviously due to more man power. BUT the group needs to be balanced skill wise as the group is then seen as one person and as a result the group is marked as one.

This worries me slightly as with this project, it is quite precious to me. And obviously id love to receive full credit if my idea is successful.
However with that said, I personally I feel I work better in a group, and if there is a group that really takes to my idea then I can see this really rocketing.
I also have to consider what id be capable of if i worked as a solo act, and that would most likely be showcasing my 3D models, rotating in an engine.

SO, I will have to weigh up my options and decide what would benefit me more.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

A little insight to what the game is about.

Again, im just going to briefly rattle off what this whole project is about.


Set in the year 3177, the Sun's violent activity and increased solar flares have reduced Earth* to a chaotic state.
Humanities disregard for the Earth's well being and their lust for wealth and power eventually caught up with them and the planet is now damaged beyond repair.
The polar caps have melted (consider the land mass sinking?), the tectonic plates have shifted into unrecognisable formations, continents sundered forever and electric storms ravage the skies.
The only remnants of life that remain are those quick enough to adapt, mainly the human race and creatures of the sea.

The humans only chance for survival was to build up, above the rising sea level. Only the major cities had the money and resources to achieve such demanding feats and joined together to make one mega city.
Built up over countless generations, the mega city (still needs to be named) is influenced by numerous cultures design wise and the technology is more advanced the higher you go. Around 2/3 of the vertical city is submerged showing a radical change in generations as you climb the city.
With the sea now at its highest and showing no signs of continued rising, the humans are left exhausted of resources and have reached their limit for any kind of further expansion. They now focus on maintaining order within a tightly over populated space.

Fuel comes from oil rigs that were built up alongside the city like giant straws and resources come from dangerous expeditions that find pockets of remaining resources buried still within the sunken world below.

This project see's the city in a time where its at its most cut throat. The Government hosts arena matches for money and to keep an eye on any possible threats, to then later monitor and perhaps eliminate. The populace see's the matches as entertainment, something to do in a city stranded in a hostile world.
The cities gangs and people who want to make a name for themselves or those who have even given up on life, participate in the arenas. For the gangs its not only a way of earning cash and respect, it also acts as a way of scouting out talent for possible recruitments. Not to mention they get to bash up some government lackey's who think they can dominate the arena.

*Might have to change it to a parallel earth.

Thursday, 23 September 2010


The two key elements for this project are keep it 'Addictive' and 'Competitive'!

I will now briefly explain the mechanics behind this games project.

- Arena Hack n Slash: 3rd person survival.

- 1-4 players.

- Fend off waves of enemies, followed by bosses. Increased difficulty.

- Ragdoll destruction

- The end of each wave give you time to recover.

- Individual score system

- Choose from 9 set playable characters (debatable).

- Each character has his/her own role, similar to an RPG. Tank, Damage and Crowed Control (no healers).

- Spectators can throw you items based on performance, useful items or duds are possible.

- Rewards can be purchased through scores (abilities? In combat items? power-ups?)

- Notable outfits for high rankers (e.g a victors jacket infused with a power-up ability has a timer).

- Various arenas, each with their own theme/location around the city.

- Each arena contains obstacles/structures, these are tailored to help with strategic positioning and add interest to the fights.

- End game unlockable content including alternative skins, increased ragdoll effects, cheats etc.

These are the main elements that i can currently think of. Pretty tired at the moment but i hope you get the idea.
Granted all of this will be too much for a years project considering resources available and the size of my group (if im not solo on this), but i like to think we could get a working prototype minimum.

To summarise; its a 3rd person survival beat-em-up..... just remembered Rising Dead, in fact im going to link to a Rising Dead 2 demo play right here. Watch this and you'll get a good idea for what I want my projects camera and fight mechanics to look like.

.... 3rd person survival beat-em-up, play solo or with up-to 3 friends, where you set up your position where ever you want in the arena, be it: in, on top of, under or against the surrounding scenery.
Fight ever increasing waves followed by boss battles, earn your individual points and show your victories!
Use those points to purchase in game equipment/items at the cost of your rank*.

*Note to self: Consider how spending points for equipment can be as much of a disadvantage as it is to just hoard score points and stay top ranked. As in what would the bonus be for not spending score points but keeping high rank, over spending score points on advantages but then going back to having a low rank.


Due to this being a University project... from what i can gather, we will need to have a working demo (im guessing) by the end of May 2011.
With this in mind the game itself wont be so much taxing due to time constraints so the focus will mainly be on creating a quirky demo thats simple and fun.
SO the demographic in question will be aimed at early to mid teens: 12-16yrs old.
The reason for it ranging up to mid teens is that despite it being a simple beat em up, it will have strong violence, mildly bad language and if any, drug use (fictional drugs).

In terms of censorship rating, id like to give it a PEGI 12+ rating. However im not sure what the distinctive boundary is between 12+ and 16+.

From what I have found on the net, I can say that it leans more towards being a 12+, which is great but im not sure if the odd swear word is allowed or if that pushes it into the 16+ category
(By swear words im referring mainly to the occasional use of "shit" and "fuck").

Of the game images and videos i have posted, here are the PEGI ratings for each one that has inspired me for this project:

- The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker: PEGI 7+
- Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm: PEGI 12+
- Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (VG): PEGI 12+
- Okami: PEGI 12+
- Dynasty Warriors 6: PEGI 12+
- Prince of Persia (2008): PEGI 12+
- Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: PEGI 16+
- Left4Dead: PEGI 18+

Just by looking at this list, the kind of genre im going for seems to be grouped within the 12+ boundaries, which is great. I just have to bear in mind that if i do aim for a PEGI rating of 12+ that i need to keep the content suitable for persons of 12 years old.

If it turns out the game has to be put up to a 16+ then thats fine by me, as I dont want to have to leave things out just to make the game more accessible.

Visual Style - Stylized at all costs.

The visual style for the game is something I have been debating non stop. My character drawings so far are a mix between Disney and Anime in style but with a darker and more adult twist.

Let me just state now that this is not a Disney or chibi Anime styled game. This is merely my drawing style and I ask that until i post my drawings you dont judge this project based on these descriptive terms:]

What i will do now is just post some images from games that have a unique style and are along the lines of what im looking into.

There is a common element with all of these images that strike out at me the most, and thats the distinct style difference between the characters and the environment.
The characters tend to take on a more cartoony visage whilst the environments maintain a feel of realism (in comparison at least).
Im personally a huge fan of pre rendered backgrounds, and the water colour style backgrounds in games such as: Naruto Ultimate Ninja storm 1+2, Valkyria Chronicals and Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker act as major eye candy, whilst at the same time dont detract from the characters own style.
What I want or at least feel im going for is something similar to the above games, but not as vivid in colour.

Below is a video I came across today on Youtube. Its a music video that has a dark painted cgi style to it which i was instantly drawn to. This is very close to the style that i would love to incorporate into this project.


HOW could i forget one of my first ever played stylized games.... Jet Set Radio on the Dreamcast. This game blew me away visually and i loved the whole concept (including the run animations of the police).

Games that have Inspired this Project.

So you can get a basic feel for the direction im going in for a gameplay style, here are some videos of games that have inspired me for this project.

Dynasty Warriors 6 - (skip to 1:25 for the fighting)

This game was the initial inspiration for me to concept a game based on addictive odds. Your god amazing character vs. vast amounts of enemies that dont stand a chance.
Although very samey there is a wide selection of playable characters, each with a different weapon and fighting style as well as a level system whereby you can upgrade your character with even more over powered goodness.

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West -

A game yet to be released, but its one I have my eyes fixed on. For me the visuals are brilliant, im not a huge fan of realism games at the moment but this one is saved through its stylized character anatomy (which is what I love in art) and vivid colours.
The fighting in this game is a style id like to harness for my project, in particular the melee combat seen at 0:17 seconds in.

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm - (Was the best video for showcasing the final moves)

This fighter has by far the most amazing special moves i have seen to date in a fighting game. Its well scripted animated moves like this that i feel add intensity to a playable characters arsenal. Its the kind of situation where you sit back and just watch in awe as you finish off your foe in the most over the top way possible. Love it.

The Lord of the Rings Video Games - (Action at 0:35)

The LotR games were surprisingly addictive to me, they were a very basic hack n slash format with little else to do, yet they felt very sturdy and satisfying.
You got a great feel for the blows and and blocks as you fended off and ploughed your way through endless scores of Orcs, Goblins and Trolls. They were multiplayer, which was great for trying to out kill your friend in the final scores.

Left 4 Dead - Survival Mode -

For anyone who has Played L4D you will hopefully agree with me when I say that it is definitely one of the most addictive games ever.

Random zombie (infected) spawn locations made the gameplay unpredictable each time you played through a level. This in turn added great replay value for the some what short yet satisfying campaigns. The Survival mode which was later added, helped to further replay value by pitting you and your team against increasing waves of infected.

You have the option to set up as best you can at the start and from then on survive as long as possible for the highest score. This I find to be a winning combination and something that my game will focus on the most.
A survival mechanic vs. A score board.


I had completely forgotten about this game, which is crazy considering 'Spartan: Total warrior' features an arena mode whereby you fend off waves of increasing enemies.
This video shows a short clip of that mode.

The Idea.

This idea is a continuation from my last uni project which was based on character design.
(Said character can be found here on my DeviantArt profile: Aleks (Neon Lynxie). Note: Development has taken place visually since uploading)

What I hope to achieve by the end of the year is realise a small prototype like game that focuses on a time set before my character was born (5 years before).
Similar to a prequel but unique in its own way that if a later game was to be made they would be two different genres of games, the only similarities lying within the style, characters and location.

For example the game idea I previously had for my character last term was an action adventure game with a strong narrative.
Whereas now, for this years prequel game concept im looking at constructing a simple yet addictive and competitive 'Hack 'n' Slash' Arena based fighter.

This game will not feature Aleks as a playable character, but rather set the stage for her and the other characters that feature heavily in her world (more to come on narrative and lore later).

Getting a Head Start.

Recently I have been debating as to whether or not I should start up a blog.
The main turn away point is having my ideas up on a site that could eventually lead to them being unknowingly nicked.

However, with that said, at the same time I feel I need a place to get all of my ideas down and arranged chronologically.

This will also serve to keep my thoughts and myself organised throughout the next year in my final year of university.

So without further a due....

.... My Project concept.