Friday, 1 October 2010


An Action/adventure game?

In the end we came to the conclusion that doing a strictly multiplayer team based arena hack n slash game came with a lot of issues as stated in the previous post.

In the end it seemed we were creating more problems for ourselves than needed so we re-evaluated our idea, deciding what kind of genre would best optimize this game world. We came to the conclusion that a story driven action/adventure would best fit the game's narrative for these reasons:

- It will allow us to put our skills to the test in creating rich, original and well backgrounded characters (perfect for Dan and I who want to be character artists).

- Because we want to go for a well produced and stylized look, it will give our tech artist (Lloyd) a lot to play with for his portfolio.

- Environment wise we will need multi level traversable landscapes with the ideas we have in mind, making for some great level designs (something Ceri and Hannah are really up for creating).

Its also an idea that can help put to good use a lot of skills and visible organisation needed to get a job within the industry, for example:
  • - We will be researching into and following a work ethic/pipeline structure similar to that of the industry.
  • - We will be aiming to attain a level of industry standards by looking at not only AAA games and the like, but also Indie games. In particular, indie games that have become successful.
  • - This is our best chance at now creating an organised project that will ultimately have us producing work we want to use in our portfolio's, which I truly believe this project will push us to do.
  • - Time to create something that will get us hired!

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